Hello, I'm Sam!

I'm a Frontend Developer Platform Engineer with a focus on observability.

I am currently based in Berlin

I do web stuff.

Once every couple of years, I like to write about tech, climate change or things that are on my mind.

Latest posts

Webmentions on 11ty


Trying to be cool and indieweb

Getting Data from Notion


Mucking About with the Notion API to Make a Bookshelf

A Few Hours Of Python


Taking Some Time to Rediscover the Joys of Python

Right now I'm reading:

Disaster anarchy
by Rhiannon Firth
The devops handbook
by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, John Willis, and Nicole Forsgren, PhD
Fille garçon même éducation.
by Pihla Hintika & Elisa Rigoulet

Check out what else I've read!